Transform Lives

Through Education, Health,

and Sustainable Community Support.

*Donate for Education *Empower Communities *Celebrate Diversity *Create Long-Term Impact

Natik General Fund — invested where it’s most needed.

Welcome to Natik, where compassion meets sustainable change. As a non-profit empowerment-granting organization, we believe in the power of education, healthcare, sustainable livelihoods, and community empowerment. Your support is more than a donation; it's an investment in building resilient communities. Join us on this journey of positive transformation and be the change you wish to see in the world!

Natik Education Fund.

Keeping children and youth in school as long as possible is the most expedient way of breaking the cycles of poverty. Every additional year of education could increase lifetime income by up to ten percent, directly impacting individuals and their families. Groups of adults with culturally relevant education tend to invest their knowledge into their communities, which is the most effective way to reduce regional poverty.

Natik Sustainable Livelihood Fund.

Sustainable Livelihoods make Sustainable Communities. Our partners invest in structure, team competencies, management systems, enabling policies, collective knowledge and learning, and proactive community leadership. Their actions contribute to their self-determined goals to transform their communities through education, health, and sustainable livelihoods.

Natik and our partners know that providing education and access to health, nutrition, sanitation, life balance, and other forms of prevention effectively eliminates many (if not most) of the causes of health imbalances -- especially those associated with poverty. It's a more cost-effective (and culturally dignified) strategy than treating illness as an economic opportunity through chemical and surgical interventions. 

Ways to Donate to Natik

Create a Legacy

Name Natik as a beneficiary in your will or revocable living trust, for a legacy that contributes to a loving and just future for generations.

Contact us to find out more!

Give Time and Talent

Natik has many volunteer activities, virtual and in-person, and individual and group opportunities are available.

Find out more here.

Contact us to find out more!

Get Involved:

  • Donate for Education: Support scholarships and educational programs.

  • Contribute to community-based education for nutrition, sanitation, and reproductive health.

  • Empower Communities: Address poverty at its roots by supporting sustainable initiatives.

  • Celebrate Diversity: Promote cultural relevance and empower local leaders.

  • Create Long-Term Impact: Join us in building a legacy of positive change.

Mail a check

Natik Esperanza

2700 Mayan Drive

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

Direct bank transfer

EFT and ACH transfers:

Donation Information Sheet

Stock or Securities

Natik is registered with the following:

Blackbaud Giving Fund



Corporate Giving

Ask if your employer has a matching gift program!


Bright Funds

Our Promise California

Your Cause

Natik invites you to be part of this transformative journey.

Your contribution, no matter the size, makes a difference. Together, let's empower lives, transform futures, and build a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Thank you for choosing Natik as your partner in making a meaningful impact.