Now we can switch gears and look at WHY the concept of impact is so important. We mean many things when we use the word. Children’s lives are influenced through learning to love to learn. People’s health is transformed through learning about sanitation, nutrition, and life balance. Lifelong earning capacity is affected by education and entrepreneurial skills.
Carmen values the culture and history of her community and eagerly listens when her parents and grandparents talk about their life experiences from the past. Her fascination with history extends to international historic documentaries.
Her dream is to work at a hospital as a way to unite her original dream of becoming a nurse with her knowledge of accounting. She's been in the scholarship program for eight years; since the third grade.
At some point she hopes to dedicate herself to the investigation of natural watersheds and wastewater treatment since many villages in the area don't have good water coverage.
When I was a kid, we used to skip two ropes spinning in opposite directions. I’m often reminded of the sensation of waiting for the perfect moment to jump into the double-rope paradigm when I’m reflecting on all the many ways that Natik must be careful about timing.
While she thoroughly enjoys planning and implementing activites with the students, experience has taught her the importance of cultivating a safe space for them to share their experiences and challenges as they occur.
She was one of the founders and remembers that at the beginning, they didn't know what products to create and they really didn't sell many of the products that they did produce.
Her love of reading and having witnessed the power of books in children's lives motivated her participation in this professional capacity-buliding workshop.
We began the year with an in-person board retreat in Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala over the MLK weekend. It was our first in-person meeting since January 2020, and the first time that we’ve met as a board outside of the United States.
We celebrate with gratitude that together, we've steadily improved access to education, empowered community health, and created locally sustained livelihoods in areas that desperately need all those things. We also welcome all the quirky and serendipitous circumstances along the way.
Knowing that in times of difficulties for the students, books were always at hand to keep them moving forward in different subjects, fills us with pride.
Eight young beekeepers were given 5 beehives, protective equipment, received 11 workshops on bee management and 2 manuals with the necessary information on beekeeping.
According to the grandparents, the higher the kite is, the higher the dreams of children, adolescents, young people and adults rise. Above all, from the top, messages of well-being and pleas for peace are sent from the brothers and sisters on earth.
This is one of the most important traditions in Mexico, Chiapas and in the towns and that is why every year we share it with the children.
Being part of the group that has helped organize all the MSV artisans has completely changed my life.
For several years now, the Library staff has brought a moment of joy to some of the grandmothers in the community and this has had a significant impact on their lives.
We all know that education is important for our children. The problem is that when parents don’t have much education themselves, they have low paying jobs and can’t afford to pay the extra expenses of education. They also can’t afford for their children to spend time on their studies instead of working.
I love it that my daughter goes to Yo’onik because she learns so much every time she goes. The teachers help them understand what they are learning in school and help them with their homework in Tsotsil, which is the language we speak at home.
The youth leadership project supports young people to become entrepreneurs and generate their own economic income.
The contagious smile of children teaches us to enjoy the little things. Despite the situations they face, children always find a reason to smile and play. They are the heroes of their dreams and are a fundamental part of society, overcoming their daily struggles through their enthusiasm.
Diego Marroquin tells us: "I am studying so I can contribute to the development of my country". Education is the symbol of freedom. The scholarship helps me to continue with my studies and teaches me how to help others. One of the patriotic activities is the parade where all the students from public schools and some private schools participate. This is to show the whole population the customs and traditions of Guatemala.
ANADESA board president is reflecting on her term of responsibility and how grateful she is to have served her community in this way.
MSV women learning about natural dyes in Zinacantan.
Sometimes people ask us if Natik “makes a statistically significant dent” on regional poverty, illiteracy, exclusion, and violence. Our response is that we are too small to affect national statistics, but we are big enough to make a difference in the lives of every person whose lives are touched by our partners.