Pueblo a Pueblo: September is a celebration month.

Independence Day 2023


A colorful bird, with its song that inspires peace and that encourages us to continue. The quetzal is this emblematic bird that represents our culture and freedom. It is also the emblem on our flag.


Every September 15, Guatemala celebrates the process that declared it an independent country from the Kingdom of Spain in 1821. On this date it comes to mind the scene of Doña Dolores Bedoya de Molina, who shouted: "Long live independence!", amidst rockets and marimba music, according to oral tradition (Prensa Libre 28-08-2023). This is the 202nd anniversary of the beginning of the idea of freedom and the signing of the Act of Independence that separated us from Spain. 


The students who received scholarships from Pueblo a Pueblo participate in different celebration activities in the municipality of Santiago Atitlan. We want to share the experience of one of the beneficiaries who was a part of this important celebration in the country.


Diego Marroquín, from the community of Chukmuk 3, is 17 years old and is in his fourth year of high school at the National Institute of Diversified Education (INED). According to his studies, on September 15 Guatemala's independence was signed in minutes. The country celebrates 202 years of independence and he lives in a country with a lot of culture and humble people.


Diego Marroquin tells us: "I am studying so I can contribute to the development of my country".  Education is the symbol of freedom. The scholarship helps me to continue with my studies and teaches me how to help others. One of the patriotic activities is the parade where all the students from public schools and some private schools participate. This is to show the whole population the customs and traditions of Guatemala.


The students decorate their classrooms with patriotic symbols such as: the national bird, the quetzal, the flag, the white nun, the ceiba, the shield, Tecún Umán and the marimba. They carry out school activities where they compete in civic altars, folkloric dances and the bearing of the torch.


This is Diego's way of expressing his love and respect for his country by enjoying this patriotic celebration.


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