Pueblo a Pueblo: Meet Gerardo!

My name is Genardo. I'm 48 years old. I studied through eighth grade.


I learned about the management of bees in (or with) with my family.


I've always liked working with bees, because I like the diversity of colors and flavors of honey.


I have been teaching bee management and care for 13 years with 11 groups of ten people each, and all the work has been done in PaP


The beekeeping course has changed from the beginning, because I keep improving my teaching techniques with each new group.


I like to teach groups about bees because with this, we help the participants to improve their diet and we improve the environment because all the fruit and coffee trees need bee pollination. It also has the benefit of contributing to the family income of the participants.


Pueblo a Pueblo already has an extractor that we share with various groups.


The bees keep their honey in wax cells, which is produced with the same raw material as the honey. So having wax stamped sheets allows the bees to save time, labor, and material!


We have also seen that it is very important to recycle wax in order to take advantage of so much material and labor and reduce the cost of wax sheets.


We are looking into purchasing a wax stamper to reduce the cost of wax sheets. I am very encouraged to have reached the point of being able to buy a stamper, because stamping our own sheets would be another way to support many beekeepers in the region.


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