Pueblo a Pueblo: We’re not a myth!

We are not myths, we are a people 


"We are not myths of the past, nor of the present, but we are active living people. As long as there is an Indian alive in any corner of America and the world, there is a gleam of hope and original thought." Rigoberta Menchù


Commemorating the International Day of Indigenous People, we recognize, value, respect, preserve and promote the native language, cultural heritage and natural resources.  To this end, Asociación Pueblo a Pueblo works according to its mission within vulnerable indigenous communities in Guatemala. We improve their conditions through health, education and food security for families in these communities through an integrated community and school programs.


We are currently working with two Mayan villages in Guatemala, the Maya K'aqchiquel community of San Lucas Tolimán and the Maya Tzutujil community of Santiago Atitlán with adults, youth and children. 


There have been several advances in our different projects: Family gardens working with Maya Tz'utujil women are bearing fruit by training women in organic agriculture and benefiting them with the harvests obtained from the garden and thus contributing to the family economy and nutrition.  Doña Candelaria Tzina and Doña Gregoria Coquix, argue that they have learned a lot in the garden in relation to the planting of different vegetables and how these benefit their families both nutritionally and economically. Now they can save money by planting their own vegetables, while learning about organization, leadership and maintenance of the garden.  


We take into account the indigenous peoples, our staff working in the institution are Mayan Tz'utujil and Mayan K'aqchiquel. We work under the reality of the needs of their communities in order to improve conditions.


Mujeres Sembrando la Vida:  Our activities during August


ANADESA: Concepción says goodbye