Mujeres Sembrando la Vida:  Our activities during August

August for our cooperative


In Mujeres Sembrando la Vida this month we had a visit from Corazón Verde and we had the opportunity to see the status of our certification process, our needs, our strengths and our areas of opportunity.


On this occasion we visited the artisans of the community of Jech Chentic, who shared their production process, the pieces they made and also told us about the importance of Greenheart's support for the sale of the products of Mujeres Sembrando la Vida. 


The certification lasted two days, during which we verified the quality of the pieces, our production and sales costs, and the impact that the cooperative has on the lives of the women and the community. The agreement reached was that they would support us with the cost of the pieces, which is very good news.


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