Traveling Library: Bringing back some activities

Reading Circles!


We are in the ninth month of the year and with it some of our library activities are about to end. Our work has been long and with different changes inside the library.


One of the changes we made this month was with the fifth grade students who have started a new reading circle with the book "A Long Journey to the Water" by author Linda Sue Park. This book has been of great impact for our students because of the theme related to some conflicts in the communities where the protagonists reside and connect with the armed conflict that took place in the 1990's in Santiago Atitlan. Sharing a moment of good literature with the students is very important for us because through it we notice the change that is generated in children from an early age.


That is why we are excited about the big step that drives the restart of our reading circles program that is part of the mobile library. It is worth mentioning that in recent years we have stopped running this program in person because of the pandemic. 


We are happy to be able to start little by little with our program. But we need more varieties of books and staff strategies to make possible the movement of the program. 


Thank you for the support of each donor, because they make possible the operation of the library for the impact of reading within the community of Santiago Atitlan.


Thank you - Miltayoox


Natik: Small is beautiful


Ruk’ux - Month of the homeland.